Thursday, May 6, 2010

Oh a Running we will go!!!

Ok so I guess I have a lot of catching up to do…well I wouldn’t normally, but we have done so much since I have made a post. Let’s just say we have been taking advantage of everything South Korea has to offer.

Saturday May 1st:

We woke early in the morning in order to run our 1st 5K as a family! Since Jenny has gotten me hooked on running, it has been a vision of mine to recruit Randy and Anderson as well! When we arrived on post at the registration booth I began to panic as we notice we did not have any reflective gear which is essential when running on post, despite the fact that the sun was shining bright! Turned out they were supplying the vests for those who did not bring their own so we things were looking up! Well until we were told that we could not use headphones…right there I thought I was going to die. I had just reset my running playlist on my ipod and I rely on music to get me through the run. Feeling a bit defeated, I looked at Randy, who runs every morning and would not have minded sleeping in instead but was there for me, I decided to suck it up and use him as my motivation. Although there were many hills (even Randy said it was a tough course), and a group of soldiers singing behind me…I stayed with Randy for most of the time. We finished and I beat my last time by 2 minutes! Anderson slept through the whole run!

We went home after the race and got ready to leave for the bus stop in order to get to the train station! Anderson loved his first public bus ride, train ride, and taxi ride. Probably due to fact that he didn’t have to ride in a car seat! Our train tickets were double booked so we lost our seats so we decided to go into the dining car (which reminded us of when we were in Italy and during the transportation strike, we lost our seats then too). The dining car ended up giving us more room so we were pleased. I found it interesting that they had computers, massage chairs, and a karaoke booth on the train. When we got off the train we had some trouble getting a taxi to take us to Camp Garrison for the Wine Fest, but finally found one that understood and agreed to take us. The Wine Fest was lots of fun and Anderson slept through the beginning allowing Mommy and Daddy some time to enjoy tasting! Then we took Anderson outside to the Children’s festival they were having! He had a really good time. Then we bought some wine and took Anderson to the playground. Then hit rewind…taxi, train, bus and home sweet home! Oh but wait…before home we ate dinner and a Chinese restaurant we ate from the buffet and Anderson was over tired and I was not thrilled about the food, but the fried dumplings were the best! During dinner we were asked to move tables so that a family could sit together and as a sign of thanks they sent a box of French desserts over as a gift…how sweet!

Things learned: Taking public transportation with a toddler can be a great experience. I loved seeing Anderson get excited about what he was seeing. I am sure he does the same thing in the backseat of my car but I never get to be with him to point things out to him!

Anderson loves quiche…we had it at the Wine Fest.

Running without headphones on really allows a person to talk to themselves…I became my own motivational speakerJ

Things Confirmed: South Korea has the best playgrounds!

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